
Chrissy Teigen Is Ready To Share Her Story, Reveals She Has Been Battling Postpartum Depression

If there was one celebrity mother who we thought would be free from postpartum depression, it was Chrissy Teigen. The 31-year-old model has a great sense of humor and she’s always smiling and having a good time.

But you never know what people are dealing with behind closed doors. Teigen gave birth to her daughter Luna 10 months ago, and while she was obviously excited to be a mother, she didn’t feel like herself.

“I had everything I needed to be happy. And yet, for much of the last year, I felt unhappy. What basically everyone around me — but me — knew up until December was this: I have postpartum depression. How can I feel this way when everything is so great? I’ve had a hard time coming to terms with that, and I hesitated to even talk about this, as everything becomes such a ‘thing.’”

And this was more than just, “Oh. I feel a little ‘blah’ today” for Teigen. She had a lot of symptoms that had a negative impact on her daily life.

She had excruciating pain in her back, and during that time, she was extremely short with people. She also could barely eat and would “burst into tears” at any moment.

“Before the holidays I went to my general practitioner for a physical. John sat next to me. I looked at my doctor, and my eyes welled up because I was so tired of being in pain. Of sleeping on the couch. Of waking up throughout the night. Of throwing up. Of taking things out on the wrong people. Of not enjoying life. Of not seeing my friends. Of not having the energy to take my baby for a stroll. My doctor pulled out a book and started listing symptoms. And I was like, ‘Yep, yep, yep.’ I got my diagnosis: postpartum depression and anxiety. (The anxiety explains some of my physical symptoms.)”

This story does have a happy ending. She is slowly starting to feel better now. Her doctor put her on an antidepressant and encouraged her to share her story. It helps to talk about it. You can’t keep it all inside, which is why she decided to write about it.

We wish her and John all the best! We’re sure they are great parents.