No Apppeal for Wesley Snipes!
Well, another sad day for Wesley Snipes. The Supreme Court today announced that they will not hear an appeal from him. DENIED!
Can’t a brotha get a break? Apparently not. I have some advice for Wesley, Don’t drop the soap, and umm yeah, PAY YOUR TAXES!!!
Oh, he’s not in a Martha Stewart prison, he’s in “OZ”. Here is a photo of one of the cells where he is held at the Federal Correctional Institution McKean in Pennsylvania

Before he was in jail, he was on Larry King, who asked if he was scared to go to jail. Snipes replied:
‘I think any man would be nervous,’ Snipes said. ‘Given the length of time that they are suggesting that I be away from my family, away from my profession, away from my ability to provide for my family and for those who have depended upon me to contribute to society… I think anyone would be nervous about that.’
Snipes blamed the whole debacle on his Co-defendants Eddie Kahn and Douglas Rosile who were said to be part of a tax resistors group. (WTF!). Well the only thing they are resisting now, is resisting arrest. Kahn got 10 years and Rosile got 54 months.
Well from 1999 to 2010 Wesley made 40 million dollars and did not pay taxes on any of it! Not a dime.
Wow….and you didn’t know you were going to get caught?
Wow….and you didn’t know you were going to get caught?
I guess it’s just “Hard Luck” that one of “Brooklyn’s Finest” got locked up by the “US Marshalls”. He was a “Major league” player riding the Money Train let’s just hope he has a sharp “Blade” in case one of the inmates gets “Jungle Fever”.
Wesley with three of his four kids, Alaafia Jehu., Akhenaten Kihwa and Iset Jua. I didn’t name them, I just post the pictures.