Elin Nordegren’s new boyfriend Jaime Dingman, dated Tiger’s Misstress

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Elin Nordegren’s new boyfriend Jaime Dingman, dated Tiger’s Misstress


Now this is just crazy!

We just reported on Friday that Elin Nordegren had a new Boo!  Well that Boo and her Elin’s ex Boo have a Boo in common.  Rachel U.

Yep.  It appears that despite Jamie Dingman and Tiger being different as night and day, they have a common “Friend”.

Leave it to TMZ, those guys are just plain good.  Apparently along with Princess Madeleine of Sweden and Bridget Mynahan, this dude also dated Rachel Uchitel!

I mean – we really have to give it to this girl.  How crazy is that?  She was the 1st of Tiger’s mistresses to be discovered and then after that she is in the arms of a billionaire before the golf club could hit the windshield.


They weren’t just dating, they were living together while the whole Tiger Woods debacle was unfolding. They were shacking up in Miami, probably watching it on TMZ together.

As TMZ reports, Rachel left Jamie and he then showed his pimp-hand.  He made the bold prediction as he told Rachel when she left,

 “That’s ok.  I’ll date his wife, Elin”.


So far there has been no dispute of these facts but I got my sources out there looking because this one is just too weird.

If I’m Elin, that’s a deal breaker.  Would that be a deal breaker for you?  I bet Tiger’s getting a chuckle out of this.  I am!

You can’t make this stuff up folks.

