Hugh Jackman Ripped

Video of Hugh Jackman’s Les Miserable Chain (Around the Neck) Workout.

If you are like me and did not have the passion or desire to sit through three hours of Russell Crowe singing then you missed out on a Super Ripped, super Buff Hugh Jackman.  (For the record, my last musical was Dreamgirls).

For the role of Jean Valjean, a part in which Jackman received an Emmy nomination for, Hugh’s preparation was intense.  With the release of the “Les Mis” Blu Ray Combo Pack this Tuesday some behind the scenes footage has made its way onto the internet.  The clip below shows just how conditioned Hugh was for the role and also provides some insight on how he go there.  Some of the details include his preparation before the role, his strict diet and three hour work outs….with chains.  Hugh explains his thoughts on the preparation for the roll,

It was important to tell the story that [Valjean] had been a prisoner for 19 years, so there was no bread-and-butter pudding going around; there was very limited food, and once that was finished, it was heaven – I got to eat.

Here is a clip from the Blu Ray.  You can see Hugh killing the pushups with chains around his neck….pure Beast Mode.
