Will Smith Loves Will Smith – Why the Actor Refused The Role In Django
No one is a bigger fan of Will Smith than Will Smith himself. The Fresh Prince had been making headlines recently when people found out that he was indeed offered the title role in the hit movie, Django Unchained. Of course, the role ended up being offered to Jamie Foxx who not only accepted the role, but played the lead role flawlessly.
However, fans of Will Smith and the movie couldn’t help but wonder why Will would turn down such a big role? With Quentin Tarantino directing the film, he had to know that the film would be a huge hit. So, what was the reasoning behind his decision? Was it a timing issue? Did he of other films he was already committed to making? Or did he just not like the script? Perhaps, he just didn’t feel like taking on another project? Nope! It turns out that Will Smith was just too in love with himself to accept the offer,
“Django wasn’t the lead role, so it was like, I need to be the lead. The other character was the lead! I was like, ‘No, Quentin, please, I need to kill the bad guy!’”
Smith told EW.
We guess Quentin wasn’t a fan of Will’s idea and probably for good reason, considering the “bad guy” in the movie; Christopher Waltz went on to win the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor for his role in the movie. So, that was kind of a slap in the face to Will Smith.
Smith did manage to stop his love affair with himself for just a minute to give the movie some much deserved credit,
“I thought it was brilliant. Just not for me”
Will said.
I always liked Carlton better, anyway.