
Kevin Hart Arrested for DUI, Jokes on twitter About it Before Getting Serious.

The funny “little” man known by the name of Kevin Hart is in some trouble. He was arrested early Sunday morning after he came close to colliding head on with a gas tanker on the 101 in Los Angeles. Cops pulled him over after noticing his erratic driving, and arrested him on suspicion of DUI. Cops report that Kevin was going 90mph on the freeway and was driving dangerously. The cop that pulled him over stated that “he showed objective signs of intoxication” and failed a sobriety test.

TMZ reported that Kevin Hart was charged with misdemeanor DUI and that his bail was set at $5,000, which is pocket change to the popular comedian. He was released from jail six hours later and what was the first thing he did? He went on Twitter and decided to run his mouth because that is what every celebrity does after they get in trouble. E! News reported that Hart wrote a tweet that read,

“I’m officially a thug; I spent 6hrs in jail last night…I got pulled over 3blocks from my house by a dick head cop. This cop was the worst, he knew who I was & wanted to make an example out of me. I did 6,000 push ups & 13,000 sit ups while I was in the pin…shout out to my celly “Mark“ we exchanged war stories LMFAO…”

The tweet has been deleted from his page (perhaps after sobering up completely) but Kevin Hart wasn’t finished. He has now posted a few more tweets that seem to suggest he is taking this arrest a little more seriously now,

“This is a wake up call for me, I have to be smarter & last night I wasn’t…everything happens for a reason…”

“On some real shit…drinking & driving is not a game or a laughing matter. People have lost lives because stupid shit this!”

“When the cop asked me to take the sobriety test I said “WHY WASTE OUR TIME…I’M DRUNK MAN” #TrueStory”

Clearly someone must have told him that he should probably show a little bit of remorse. I’m sure calling the cop a “dick head” would not have looked good in court. If there is good news in all of this for Kevin Hart, it’s that this looks like Kevin’s first real “run-in” with police. So, we’re sure he will get off pretty easily, but we just hope this isn’t a sign of things to come! Kevin Hart is truly one of the funniest comedians out there right now, we can’t have him drinking and driving.

I mean, he’s doing well enough. He can afford to have someone drive him around, right? That way he wouldn’t have to worry about how much he does or does not drink. I know it’s probably hard for him to gauge how much liquor he can handle, you know, with him being so damn short and all. He probably has a few wine coolers and is out for the rest of the night. He needs to be careful! A midget being able to drive already scares me enough, but a drunk midget? That’s just too much.