
Jenny Craig Diet: Lose Weight, Gain Gallstones?

The Jenny Craig Diet has been helping people shed those unwanted pounds for several years now, and L.A. comic Mara Shapshay wanted to hop on the train to Skinnyville. However, when she went on the recommended Jenny Craig Diet, she started to get some serious health problems about a year later. Mara claims that she had to be hospitalized for severe abdominal pain, which led to doctors finding around 1,000 gallstones in her body.

Of course, she had to have several surgeries and she claims that she is still suffering from symptoms. Nausea, fatigue abdominal pain and even vomiting. Oh, and she also blames the diet for a recent miscarriage she had. Mara is trying to present the case that Jenny Craig knew their diet program could potentially lead to gallbladder disease, which is why she is suing the company for unspecified damages.

Geez, Jenny! I thought you were my homegurl? I thought we were tight. Now, I learn that your diet might be causing gallbladder disease? Sh-t. The worst part is that I had to hear it from some comic in Los Angeles. I even recommended your program to my mom! And you gonna do me like this? I knew I should have just  told her to keep sweating to the oldies with Richard Simmons.

Richard would never do you any harm…
