Kelly Ripa Shows Off Her Bikini Body In Mexico (PHOTOS)
We all know Kelly Ripa follows an extremely intense workout routine. She might be 43-years-old, but she’s doing everything she can to make sure her body doesn’t go downhill. Kelly is so dedicated to working out that she’s been known to run a 5k while on vacation!
Pretty insane, right? Well, all the hard work is obviously paying off. The 43-year-old star of, ‘Live! With Kelly and Michael’ went to Los Cabos, Mexico, with her husband and actor/friend Matthew Bomer.
Apparently, Bomer’s boyfriend was celebrating a birthday and everyone went down to Mexico to celebrate.
As you can see from the photo above, it looks like she has an extremely low body fat percentage. Of course, that also means she kind of looks like a male swimmer from the U.S. Olympic team, but this side view of her looks a little more flattering.
Not bad, Ripa. We’re certainly not going to hate on someone who is taking great care of their body. Yeah, she might have a flat butt, but at least she can still see her toes! Heck, she can probably even bend down and touch her toes. How many 43-year-olds can do that anymore?
Still, I find Eva Longoria’s body more attractive. She might not be as in shape, but at least she’s got some junk in her trunk…