Chris Brown: Kicked out of Rehab and Arrested. Nice Job.
Well it’s Friday, it’s still cold, Justin Bieber is still a douche and Chris Brown is kicked out of rehab and put in jail. Surprise Surprise.
I call this, “job security”. As long as we keep buying their stuff and making them rich and they act like idiots we will have something to write about. Thanks Team Breezi for all your support.
It’s not exactly known why Chris Brown was kicked out of rehab, but it’s clear that the Malibu facility in which he has been for the last four months kicked his butt out. Upon being booted, he was immediately taken into custody, because staying in a plush rehab center in Malibu was the only way for him to stay out of prison as ordered by the judge who oversaw the case for the 2009 Rihanna beat down.
Let me state that a little better. While you and I are freezing our asses off, Chris Brown was ordered by a judge to stay at a place like this:
This is Passages Rehab center in Malibu. Poor Chris. Boo freakin Hoo. How hard could it be to follow the rules here? This place will run you $88,500 per month! It’s not confirmed that this is where Brown was but this is where Spears, Sheen and Mel Gibson go. With a networth of $24 Million 3 months at this place is chump change for Brown.
Authorities say that Brown was cooperative when he was taken into custody and was promptly taken to the LA County Men’s central jail. They released a statement,
Los Angeles County Sheriff’s deputies were made aware of a warrant for the arrest of Suspect Chris Brown on Friday, March 14, 2014. At about 2:00PM, Malibu/Lost Hills Sheriff’s deputies arrested Suspect Brown for the warrant at a location he was staying at in the city of Malibu. Mr. Brown was cooperative when taken into custody. He is being held without bail at the Inmate Reception Center of the Los Angeles County jail in downtown Los Angeles. The warrant was issued related to assault with a deadly weapon and criminal threats crimes which occurred on February 7, 2009, in the City of Los Angeles. The incidents were investigated by the Los Angeles Police Department and prosecuted by the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office. The warrant was issued for a probation violation related to his conviction.
We were told that his breaking of the rules did not involve violence or drugs and we also know that he violated the rules last month by having an inappropriate relationship with a female worker. We are digging to find out what he did this time.
If Chris thought things were serious before, they are really serious now. He still has yet to stand trial for the alleged assault incident that happened in DC. That could be another probation violation which could all result in some serious jail time. One day Chris will wake up and realize that he is young, black, rich and not above the law. If Floyd Mayweather and Wesley Snipes can do serious time, for lessor crimes, than he is no way above the law.
This man needs to wake up, the only problem now is when he does, his cellmate Bubba will be there instead of Karrueche Tran.