Screenshot 2024-03-22 at 11.01.03 AM

Wild Video Shows American Airlines Passenger Kicked Off Plane In A Headlock After Antisemitic Remarks

A dude got drunk before boarding an American Airlines flight from Tampa to Philly on Tuesday, and during a heated conversation with a flight attendant, he started throwing out some antisemitic slurs.

He said the slur like three times before adding, “I’m trying to get to my home country, and you all people made it harder for me to get to my home country!”

As everyone around him started paying more attention to him, he started threatening everyone who looked at him, including the dude in blue you see in the video. The man in blue was reportedly not security. He was just another passenger, but he acted like security as he put the drunk passenger in a headlock and basically dragged him off the plane.

The Tampa International Airport Police Department says an arrest was made around 5:30 PM Tuesday, right outside the plane. He was reportedly arrested for disorderly intoxication and 2 counts of battery.

Damn. That’s a bad day. We have to imagine it’s going to be even harder to make it back to his home country now. We’re not sure if an incident like this puts someone on the no flight list or not.

Just goes to show you how heated things are right now as the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine continues.