
Is Justin Finally Losing It?? Video Emerges of His Fight With Rapper ‘Desiigner’ in NYC Club, Wondering Around Barefoot in Boston & Posts Shocking Message To His Fans!

Bieber Rant

It has gotten to the point that people won’t even recognize me as a human, I feel like a zoo animal, and I wanna be able to keep my sanity.  I realize people will be disappointed but I don’t owe anybody a picture. and people who say “but I bought ur album” know that you got my album and you got what you paid for AN ALBUM! It doesn’t say in fine print whenever you see me you also get a photo.

Then he choose two Instagram posts written by followers to respond to, which I actually thought was pretty cool. However, I suspect Braekess will now have to make his account private or get killed by the Beliebers


Braekess you are so right btw your Instagram name is fire. Years ago it was impossible to even take a picture at anytime not everyone was accessible to a camera now everyone has a camera phone and Now it’s just a different thing.If you think setting boundaries is being a douche I’m the biggest douche around but I think it’s smart and will be the only way I last. I wanna enjoy life and not be a slave to the world and their demands of what they think I need to do!! I love the fact that I am able to make people happy but cmon if you truly were in my position you would understand how tiring it is ( boo hoo Justin get over it) I’m going to keep making decisions I feel are fit for my growth and no human being will make me feel bad for it.

And let’s not forget the Face Tattoo that happened this weekend as well. You can see it on the side of his eye, in this photo he posted before his show in Philly.

Justin Bieber Face Tattoo

Before you start feeling too bad for Justin, as you are either in school studying for finals, sitting in your cubicle at work or on the train taking your crappy commute into a job that’s going nowhere, this 22 year old has 200 million dollars. That is 199 million more then you or I will ever have. His mom and dad are set for life.

BTW, that total is more than likely to go up substantially. Back in 2001, his “My World” tour earned him $44 Million, the “Believe tour” earned him $42.7 Million. I suspect this “Purpose” Tour and album sales in 2016 will have him quickly approaching $250 million. So he can buy privacy whenever he wants it. Literally.

I say on the rare occasion you don’t want to be photographed, refuse the picture with fans, call in your bodyguards but save the social media rant because it does more harm than good. This coming from a guy who’s only fan, takes double AA batteries and sits on my desk.