Oscar De La “Ho” Ya – Pictures in Drag are Indeed Him[Photos]!

Kids – Don’t do drugs!  What’s worse then seeing your favorite boxer bite off an ear?  Seeing him in a pair of panties!!

Back in 2007, photos emerged  of Oscar in fishnets and lingerie – as can be seen below.  Click the picture to go to the rest of them. ( I have to protect my sponsors. )

Click To Go to Full Size Images....if you really want to. Yuck!

Oscar insisted that those pictures were fake.  Well he is now admitting that they are him.


During his extremely open (and out of the closet) interview with “Aqui Y Ahora” , a Spanish News Show, Oscar spills the beans (and franks),

“Let me to tell you, yes, yes, it was me [in those pictures],”

“I am tired now of lying, of lying to the public and of lying to myself.”

He claims that he was on cocaine and drunk at the time of the photo session.  The model who posed and also took the pictures, Milana Dravnel (who looks like a Tranny herself) and we now know to be one of Oscar’s mistresses was bullied into agreeing that the photos were manipulated, although her definition of bullying and mine are a little bit different.  She was paid $20 million to shut up.  Both parties signed a confidentiality agreement and I have to admit, the whole thing quietly went away.

During the interview Oscar explains that those were bad times for him.  …wait a minute….$20 MILLION!!!  Geezus!!!!….sorry, but that’s just a lot of money. Ok…..where was I?  Oscar explains those were bad times for him.

“One of these nights when I was drunk and alone again, I asked myself, ‘Is it worth it to be alive?’ I was already feeling like I had nothing, And what is going through your mind are your children, your wife, the people who love you.”

De La Hoya has been in rehab since May and has been sober for more then three months. Typically the Golden Boy is truly that.  He is charismatic and smooth with the media, but not this time around. He even tried to make light of his infidelities with a Tiger Woods comparison that got Mayweather’s attention.

Oscar stated regarding Tiger Woods,

“We are obviously not talking a Tiger Woods here, but I was unfaithful”

How ridiculous of a statement is that.  Imagine what we don’t have photos of!!

Floyd Mayweather, never one to hold back, got on Twitter and tweeted,

“De La Hoya is a drug user, dresses like a drag, committed adultery and drinks alcohol and Ortiz looks up to this guy, And I don’t appreciate how Oscar tried to down my brother Tiger Woods.”

Indeed.  Ortiz, who Mayweather references, is the tomato Can that is supposedly Floyd’s tune up for Manny Pacquiao.


So what’s next? Hopefully there aren’t pictures of Tiger Woods in drag, and a golf skirt!  That would certainly explain why Elin was able to pocket so much despite a pre-nup.  I’m not sure if I could take that, I’m barely surviving this.


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