Kevin Clash the voice of Elmo

Voice of Elmo, Kevin Clash, Accused of Having Relations with a 16 Year Old Male!

Kevin Clash who has risen to fame as being the voice of Elmo is under attack! (Watch his 2 min documentary below).  The 52 year old is accused of having a relationship with a 16 year old “male”.  Geesh!!

The Sesame Workshop, the company that employs Clash said that they heard about the alleged affair back in June.  The accuser, who is now 23 years old, claims that when Clash was 45 and he was 16 they were engaged in a “relationship”.  An accusation that Clash has officially denied.

Sesame Workshop released a statement regarding the incident on their website,

“We took the allegation very seriously and took immediate action. We met with the accuser twice and had repeated communications with him. We met with Kevin, who denied the accusation. We also conducted a thorough investigation and found the allegation of underage conduct to be unsubstantiated. Although this was a personal relationship unrelated to the workplace, our investigation did reveal that Kevin exercised poor judgment and violated company policy regarding internet usage and he was disciplined.”

In the end, they determined that the claims were UNSUBSTANTIATED.  Let me repeat that, The Sesame Workshop conducted their own investigation and felt that the claims were unsubstantiated.  The only wrong doing they determined was that Clash misused the company computer.

Misused the computer were there emails between the two?

Yep, there were emails between the two, but none suggested an underage affair.  However the two did have a fling.  Clash admitted to it but [more…]only when the younger man was of age.  Clash tells TMZ,

It was between two consenting adults and I am deeply saddened that he is trying to make it into something it was not.”

Clash has requested and was granted a leave of absence, the reason why is not totally clear but the Sesame Workshop has granted his request.  If you are wondering will become of Elmo during Clash’s time off, Sesame Workshop insured us that Elmo is here to stay. They said,

 Elmo is bigger than any one person.

True indeed!  By the way… case you were wondering, Kevin Clash has a Net worth of about $12 Million

And Now I bring you Kevin Clash in “Tickle Me _omo”.