Miley Cyrus Pisses Off Chris Brown Fans
Miley Cyrus had a little trouble with food poisoning in good ol’ Germany yesterday which forced her to cancel a much anticipated public appearance. The 20-year-old wrote the following message on her Twitter account to explain the whole thing to her disappointed German fans,
“Sick in bed
away from home. Music is the best medicine. Sorry 2 Bild and all my fans for not being able to make it today! Something’s are outta my control. I’m really sick thanks for understanding.”
Well, the former Disney Channel star might have been confined to her hotel room, but she still managed to piss off some people. During an overseas interview, Hannah Montana talked about tattoos and she made a little Chris Brown joke that pissed off a lot of people,
“I was thinking about maybe getting ‘Chris Brown’ across this cheek. It would be really good for my career.”
This upset some fans of Chris Brown and they let Miley know about it on Twitter. However, Miley obviously doesn’t care about what people think of her. In fact, one of her main goals in life is to just be “different” and she made that clear in another interview,
“I just always want to be different. Everyone else has cut their hair to look just like me, so now I got to do something different. I don’t like when you walk in and you see a bunch of other yous.”
Oh, I know what you mean. I would be terrified if I walked in a room and saw a bunch of Mileys staring at me. One is more than enough.