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Miley Cyrus Says She Doesn’t Care To Have Friendships With Other Celebrities

Former Disney Channel star Miley Cyrus sat down for an intense interview with David Letterman on his “My Next Guest Needs No Introduction” series.

She got real about her friendships, specifically those with other famous people, revealing she doesn’t vibe with most of the celebrity culture these days.

I am not very active or a very active part of my community of other artists and entertainers and celebrities. It just doesn’t feel like my people when I’m in that room. But there are certain artists like Beyoncé — who, like us, we’ve known each other for a long time.

One of the reasons Miley’s still close to Beyonce is because the Queen has always shown her kindness, even when she was a teenager. She remembered performing with her way back in 2007.

I was, like, sandwiched between Rihanna and the Queen Bey, and they’re fully grown up, gorgeous, probably similar to my age now. I’m like, super small, have acne, have braces on the back of my teeth, and I’m standing next to Mariah Carey, who is dripping in diamonds. And Beyoncé was so kind to me.

Elsewhere in the interview, Miley admitted she got some of her narcissistic traits from her father, Billy Ray Cyrus, who she’s had a tumultuous relationship with in recent years.

She tossed some shade his way, but also made sure to point out his good qualities as well, saying, “he has a relationship and a foot on the ground to nature and to the real.”

We’re not exactly sure what that means, but it sounds cool!