
YIKES! 50 Cents Re-ignites War with Empire; Attacks Taraji P and Vivica; Causing Jussie Smollett to Clap Back! BUT 50 IS STILL THE WINNER. Here’s Why…(Deleted Posts)




But before we get into that….let me tell you why 50 has already won.  It might seem like he’s being childish but he is playing a very grown up game.  50 understands social media better than most celebrities.  He has now cross promoted Power, Effen Vodka, and his new show that is not even released yet.  He has now reached Jussie’s fans, Taraji’s fans and Vivica Fox’s fans with their help.

As soon as they reply, he has reached their fans, and they created an interesting story that gets picked up by the gossip blogs and promoted.  50 makes money directly off of all of these ventures.  He has no upside so any advertisement is good advertisement.

Now for the cringe-worthy pettiness.

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