
Kelsey Grammer Gets a Tattoo of his Wife’s Name….on his Hip! Creepy!

Is 57 too old for a tattoo?  Nahh… Is getting a hip tattoo creepy?  Nahh  not at all.  But combine the two and you are taking a one way trip to Creepville.  FACT: No 57 year old man should have any tattoo between the lower back and the mid-thigh.

Kelsey never one for conformity decided to get his wife’s name “Kayte” tattooed on his hip! They were both in town while Kelsey is filming his newest critically acclaimed show “Boss”.

Grammer and his new wife just casually rolled up to Insight Studios, a tattoo parlor in Noble Square, just like a regular couple.  They sat down, waited and talked with everyone while they waited their turn.

The girl working the counter didn’t even recognize Kelsey.  When she asked him for his ID, he was like “Huh?”.  When he handed it over she said to the staff,

Is this guy famous or something? He looked at me kind of funny when I asked for his ID.

This is Grammer’s first tattoo although he’s been married four times.  Maybe she is finally the one.  He decided to get her name in blue directly on his waistline.

Grammer got the cheapest tattoo the parlor had to offer.  $60 and he was done.  Tatted for life.

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