
B.I.G.’s Autopsy Released 15 years After his Death, Reveals Some Interesting Details


At first I thought to myself, “do I really care what’s in B.I.G’s autopsy report?” I knew he was basically shot while he was sitting in his Chevrolet Suburban on Wilshire Blvd. I was more concerned with who did it then any 15 year old autopsy.  The full 23 page report has been made available and I have it below for download complete with no cross-out and mark ups.

As I read through it, it was interesting to read how each bullet struck the hip hop legend. There were four bullets in total. The last one was the only one that caused his death. Here is the bullet breakdown:

BULLET 1: This bullet hit him in the forearm and travelled down to his wrist.

BULLET 2: This bullet hit him in the back but still missed all vital organs and came out of his left shoulder.

BULLET 3: The third bullet hit him on the outside of his left thigh and came through the other side.

BULLET 4: The fourth bullet was the killer. It entered his body through is right hip and tore through several vital organs and ended up lodged in his left shoulder. This bullet sliced through his colon, liver, heart and part of his lung.

Although I numbered the bullets, that is not the necessarily the sequence that they entered BIG’s body. The coroner could not determine this. When the rapper arrived at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center he was in full cardiac arrest.

According to the autopsy, The Notorious was living up to his name, he was reportedly living up to his name, he was 395 lbs. at the time of his death.

It’s sad to think that the Notorious was only 24. It’s also kind of good to know that he was drug and alcohol free at the time of his death, according to the toxicology report.

Biggie would have been 39 years old this year.