Charlie Sheen Donates Money For Funeral Expenses in Justin Bieber Paparazzi Photographer’s Death
In his third generous donation in six months, Sheen donates $12,000 to help with the funeral expenses of the young photographer who died trying to snap pictures of Justin Bieber.
The photographer, Chris Guerra, was trying to snap who he thought was Justin Bieber when he spotted Bieber’s Ferrari pulled over by police. Guerra claimed that he previously saw Bieber smoking marijuana and driving and was intent to prove the story true.
When he found out it wasn’t Justin in the car he turned to head back to his own car and was struck by an SUV and killed.
Sheen released a statement regarding the incident and provided some insight to his thoughts behind the donation,
“A tragic incident like this erases the line between the photographer and the subject,
“It’s an unforgiving moment that begs us all to be human and work as one to prevent this in the future. As parents, we are all not supposed to bury our children. My deepest condolences to the families involved.”
Sheen made the check out to Chris Guerra’s mom. Larry Solters, Sheen’s media rep, continues to insist that this shouldn’t be a surprise for us, Charlie is very charitable,
This is one of many charitable donations that Charlie frequently makes,”
After giving $100,000 to Lindsay Lohan, Sheen gave $75,000 to a cancer patient. I’m starting to believe Solters, Sheen does open the wallet to help out.
How about donating to an up and coming Celebrity Gossip site?