
Eva Mendes Shows Off Post Baby Body, Says Giving Up This One Thing Had Immediate Benefits (4 Photos)

11MAR2015 - Eva Mendes Womens Health

Who doesn’t like a good celebrity post- baby photo shoot to make you feel bad about yourself just before the good weather hits. I love these because we forget that these people have millions of dollars, have the best personal trainers, private chefs and get paid to look good. Not to mention the magazines doing the photo-shoot have Photoshop experts on speed dial.

On the other hand we also don’t help ourselves in the area of fitness as we claim that we are “getting in shape” but the latest diet we are on just isn’t working. We say that with a mouth full of overly sugared, supersized, $20 coffee, expesso-Latte-frappi-doodles from Starbucks and shove the latest Taco Bell, one handed breakfast creation down our fat faces because we are “busy”.

11MAR2015 - Taco Bell Breakfast

Oops….where was I. Ahhh yes, Eva……

This brings us to the lovely Eva Mendes. The new Mom graces the cover of April 2015’s Women’s Health. At age 41 and Just 5 months after having her daughter Esmeralda, she is looking wonderful. If that’s not enough reason to hate, let’s not forget who Esmeralda’s dad is: Ryan Gosling.


Easy; by not gaining it to begin with. A source tells US Weekly that Eva was able to lose the weight quickly because she was pretty careful during her pregnancy.

“It wasn’t about vanity, it was about being healthy. She was pretty conscious during the pregnancy, and it made the exercising after easier.”

 In the actual interview in Women’s health, Eva talks about her routine and her decision to change to a healthier lifestyle.

“I don’t love it, but I’ve made peace with that”

She also describes how she mixes things up with activities versus relying on traditional training alone. When asked about working out with weights she says,

 “…nothing too heavy, because my muscle bulks up pretty easily. I mix it up with yoga, or sometimes I’ll hike with my trainer.”

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More and more people are giving up meat and singing its praises. Eva says that she is going on six years without meat and the health benefits are amazing,

“I haven’t eaten meat in about six years, because I don’t agree with factory farming here. This is just what worked for me, it’s important to say, but when I cut that out I immediately felt better. And also, after a year of eliminating it, my skin looked brighter and healthier overall.”

The actual issue of Women’s Health boasts more pics of Eva, more details regarding her fitness routine and some additional insight on her family life. It’s scheduled to hit newsstands next week (March 17th), I suggest you pick up a copy. In the meantime put that Waffle Taco down and take the stairs.

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