Video of Lady Gaga Getting A Concussion During Auckland, New Zealand Performance [video]

Yep, smack dab in the middle of performing her song “Judas” Lady Gaga gets hit in the head with a pole.  It didn’t knock her out, but it looked like it hurt.

She’s singing and then spreads her arms out wide for a second.  Then she looks around like something was supposed to happen or something is out of place.  Then she turns around and starts pulling props together and a dancer pulls a pole up to remove it when the back-end of the pole, pops Gaga on her head as he leaves.

Upon impact she just rubs her head and keeps it moving .  According to, she did another 16 songs.  At some time during the performance she told the crowd,

 I did hit my head and I think I may have a concussion but don’t you worry I will finish this show.

Her make-up artist later confirmed via twitter that she did have a concussion but she was also ok

“Gaga has a concussion but she is going to be okay. She wants u to know she loves u. I’m taking care of her.cant believe she finished the show.”

You have to give props where props are due.  She can be called a lot of things, and you know I’m not the biggest lady Gaga fan, but she could have cancelled that show and called it a night.  She’s made over $140 Million dollars in the last 2 years and you don’t get that much money from being a spoiled diva.  She sucked it up and delivered.  Her Lil monsters should be proud.

You can watch the whole thing in the video below.

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