Jay Z, formally known as “Jay-Z” and his superstar wife Beyonce made it clear where they stand on the Trayvon...
Tag Archives: Barack Obama
Oh no she didn’t! Amanda Bynes has really gone off the deep end now. Not only is she suffering from...
Have you seen the old throwback photos of your parents at their Prom? Well this is no different. I’m not...
I’m not sure if we’ve ever seen the press conference from the Super Bowl half time performer but in this...
While we were all waiting for Romney to wake up and taste the defeat, Obama was busy going head to...
How about that for an endorsement? I’m sure as I write this, these pictures of Katy Perry and her tight...
Donald Trump built up all this anticipation that he had a news bombshell to drop that ended up being nothing...
As Romney takes what it appears to be his biggest stumble yet, Obama as strategic as ever, calmly and slowly...
This might be one of Obama’s best speeches. He should always be this funny, I wouldn’t mind him interrupting New...
If you haven’t seen or heard this video yet, it’s definitely worth the watch. Is it over-hyped? Yes. But what...
Don’t act like you didn’t care. We all wanted to know if they were rejected because they are black, or...
Fox News is just getting ridiculous. Bozell was actually making a good point until he stooped to the same level...
What the F@#! My jaw hit the floor when I saw the picture of Barack Obama kissing Hugo Chavez. It...
As election time comes closer stars are starting to speak up and they are not holding back. Most recently Sean...