
Tara Reid Gets Thrown Out of Store!

Oh, Tara, you poor soul! Every time I see a picture of her or read a story about her, my heart just gets really sad. The 37-year-old actress best known for her work in the American Pie movies was recently kicked out of a store in Los Angeles. Tara was shopping at an ‘All Saints’ store when she got into a heated argument with an employee. According to the New York Post, Tara was angry because the employees at the store were refusing to fulfill her request of getting a “celebrity discount.”  A source said,

“She was screaming. She had to be escorted out by security. She seemed drunk.”

Another source provided a few more details,

“She said she needed an outfit for Coachella. She demanded a discount because of her fame.”

However, the source states the employees refused to give her a discount and that is when she began to yell at the employees and had to be thrown out of the store.

A rep for Tara paints a different picture, though. The rep claims,

“Tara gets a huge discount with All Saints in the UK and Paris because she’s a walking billboard for them. She gets photographed …so they give her huge hookups. We told them we get a discount, and they said they’d e-mail the press team. She was definitely not drunk. People love to say Tara’s hammered and this and that…whoever is saying that is not on Team Tara.”

What the f–k is, “Team Tara”? There is no Team Tara, this isn’t a Twlight movie. Tara Reid doesn’t have a freaking team! I could probably get more people to join my team, and I don’t even have any friends. No one wants to be on a team with Tara Reid.
