
Catherine Zeta-Jones Out of Rehab!

Catherine Zeta-Jones has officially checked out of rehab and she did so a little earlier than expected. We told you how she checked into rehab back on April 29 to treat her bipolar disorder. She was going for a 30-day program to get her mind right, but she apparently completed the treatment a little early. About a week early, but she did complete the entire program. So, don’t think of it as her “skipping” out early, she completed the course, and her husband Michael Douglas could not be any happier.

Douglas talked with People magazine on Monday and had this to say,

“She comes home tomorrow. She’s doing a really good job of getting balanced. I’m proud of her.”

He also spoke briefly with Extra and said,

“She’s got herself worked out with her meds and she’s raring to go!”

Hopefully that will be her last stay in rehab. You may remember that she previously checked into rehab back in 2011, after she publicly revealed that she had Bipolar II, which causes mood swings and severe depression. The actress told People magazine in 2011,

“This is a disorder that affects millions of people, and I am one of them. If my revelation of having bipolar II has encouraged one person to seek help, then it is worth it. There is no need to suffer silently, and there is no shame in seeking help.”

You know, I thought my teacher back in the 5th grade had bipolar disorder, but it turns out that she was just a huge bitch.
