
Former Child Star ‘Mara Wilson’ Talks About Why She Left Acting

People in Hollywood are generally a little crazy, but child stars in particular seem to have a difficult time keeping it together. We’ve seen several child stars who have fallen off the wagon. Of course, the big ones right now are Lindsay Lohan and Amanda Bynes, but they’re just some of the more popular ones. There are several other child stars who have trouble with alcohol, drugs and just in life in general.

So, what is the reasoning behind that? Well, former child star Mara Wilson has her own theory. You may remember Mara from, “Matilda,” “Miracle on 34th Street” and “Mrs. Doubtfire.” Did that jog your memory? Yeah, she was in some big movies. However, she left the entertainment industry and went on to graduate from NYU. She recently wrote an article for the website “Cracked” and she says there are seven reasons why child stars don’t make it out of Hollywood alive…or sane.

The seven reasons (according to Mara) are their parents pressure them into acting. Mara states that her parents actually tried to get her out of acting, but she claims she saw several child stars who were forced into acting by their parents. Forced to be in front of cameras just to pay the bills at home. “They Get Used to Love and Attention, and Then Lose it” is another reason she claims they go crazy. She also lists, sexually exploitation, not knowing what to do after their career is over, not being able to escape the madness and few other things as the reasons behind the fallout.

It’s a pretty interesting read and she has a lot of interesting and shocking stories. You should definitely head on over to Cracked and read the entire article.
