Joan Rivers Storms Out of CNN Interview – She can Dish it, but can’t take it. (video)
Joan shows that she can dish it, but taking it, is a whole different story.
This is in the same week that she called President Obama Gay. When a photographer asked Joan if she thought we would have a gay president, her response was:
“We already have it with Obama, so let’s just calm down, You know Michelle (Obama) is a trans.”
That is a prime example of her dishing it. Now the question is can she take it….and now we get our answer.
Rivers is doing a promotional tour to sell her new book, “Diary of a Mad Diva”. I think her and Hillary Clinton are competing for the DILLIGAF award for selling the least amount of books. On a slow news day, Joan was lucky enough to get some time on CNN where news anchor Fredricka Whitfield drew the short straw and interviewed the 81 year old Rivers. [more…]
Nothing really. She was just being a petulant brat. Whitfield started off the interview praising Joan for her work, and then she mentioned that E!s Fashon Police, Rivers show critiquing the wardrobe of celebrities, was not so nice to people. To quote her directly she said that the show was,
very mean in some ways,
This is when Rivers became unglued. She quickly cut Whitfield off and said,
“It’s not mean, it’s not mean, it’s not mean, I tell the truth.”
“I’m sure I say the same things that all your viewers say to their friends sitting next to them on the couch,” Rivers added. “We’re one of the few shows that says ‘that’s an ugly dress.’ … These ladies make $28 million a picture. You really think that Nicki Minaj cares I didn’t like her dress?”