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There’s Another Celebrity Jumping On The “Do Not Shower” Train

For some reason, celebrities really don’t like to be clean. You’ll remember Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis made headlines back in 2021 when they revealed as a family, they don’t like to take baths until they start to smell or appear dirty.

Not longer after, Kristen Bell came to their defense, revealing she only bathes her daughters when they start to smell. Then a couple months later, Jake Gyllenhaal admitted he finds “bathing to be less necessary at times,” and likes to keep his skin as natural as possible.

This led many people to really wonder how some of those magical Hollywood parties smell.

And now, another no shower celebrity is coming out. 39-year-old actress America Ferrera, who stars in the just released Barbie flick, was in a Vanity Fair video with her co-stars this week.

During the discussion, she and her co-stars were asked to guess each other’s guilty pleasures. And while her co-stars guessed “cookie dough” and “searching for homes she can’t afford” Ferrera shocked them all with her real guilty pleasure.

I’m going to really regret saying this. It’s not showering for a few days.

Her co-stars seemed shocked by her admission. Margot Robbie said, “What! I would never have expected that,” while Issa Rae turned her head away in disapproval.

These celebrities are wild! I mean, look… I don’t think you need to shower every single day, but a few days? Or waiting until you smell? That’s too much for me. By the time you recognize your own smell, everyone around you has been smelling it for days!