Lady Gaga’s Fall on her Bumbum – Of Course we Have Footage!

(Scroll all the way down to see actual Video)

While wearing very little to protect her, Lady Gaga, bit the dust. She was performing in Houston as part of her Monster’s Ball concert series. You can’t help but laugh as she attempts to leap off of a burning piano onto the piano bench. Her heel gets caught and she is on her back under the piano!


Believe it or not, she kept singing even when she was under the piano (legs flailing), and didn’t miss a beat as she crawled to her feet.

The now infamous Youtube clip was shot by Eric Souknary (this is his 15 minutes of fame).
He stated,

‘The crowd all saw it and I don’t think anyone would have minded is she’d walked off the stage to get checked out by medics.
‘But she was a real professional and jumped back up on stage to finish her set in front of the fans.
‘It was really amazing to see.’


He’s right, it’s truly Amazing. Lady Gaga is one tough cookie!
Here’s the clip for your entertainment.