Steve Harvey Gets His Own Syndicated Daytime Talk Show on NBC!

Is Steve Harvey the cure for what ails daytime TV?  He thinks so and so does NBC.  The comedian will be getting his own syndicated talk show.  He says it will bring a male perspective to daytime television along with some real humor…with the exception of Ellen.  Steve says,

“There’s not a lot of male viewpoint on daytime TV. I’ve got kids. I have a wife. I think that’s a unique perspective. Above all else, there’s nobody in daytime TV that can beat me at the funny thing – except Ellen DeGeneres. She’s my girl. I love her. Other than Ellen, I think I’m the guy who’s gonna put more funny on television.”


Steve began his career in Chicago on the radio, but still considered New York, Connecticut and Atlanta before finally deciding on Chicago.  They will be shooting in downtown Chicago where NBC will debut their new best-in-class HD studio facility.  Steve will be relocating his entire family.  He says regarding his decision to move to Chicago,

  “Chicago was my favorite pick. It’s such a great city… The restaurants are great. The neighborhoods are great. The downtown is probably one of the best downtowns there is. If I’ve got to take my family somewhere, I’ll take them there.”


“Steve Harvey” will be a show about everyday people versus a show which just interviews celebrities.  This is Steve’s strong suit.  He interacts with everyday people in a way that is pure comedy.  He has been the host of family feud and there are 100’s of Youtube clips of Steve’s comedic antics.  It sounds as if his show will be part Dr. Phil, part Oprah sprinkled with an occasional celebrity guest. However, Steve has made it very clear that he won’t be relying on stars to make his show a success,

“This show is going to be “real people” driven. I’ve been hosting “Family Feud” for almost 400 episodes. Not one single family has canceled. Celebrities cancel all the time… Celebrities don’t come on TV to be very open about anything. They come on to promote stuff. I want a show that’s going to inspire people and uplift people.”

Along with Steve NBC has secured Alex Duda, who was the executive producer of the Tyra Banks show.

I think NBC might have struck gold with this one!  “Steve Harvey” is scheduled to premiere this September.  BTW – Steve wont’ be doing so bad either, he will continue to also do his daily syndicated radio show.