judge brown 2

Judge Joe Brown Like You’ve Never Seen him Before. Drunk and Hilarious [Video]

Maybe we should call him “Judge Drunk Brown”.  If you didn’t tell me, I would never know that this was the honorable Judge Joe Brown.  This is the same guy who would belittle and berate people for their behavior in his court room; the same guy who was for “promoting manhood and protecting womanhood”.

The man in the clip shows little resemblance to the judge that we are so used to seeing over the 15 years that his court show was on the air. Second in ratings to only Judge Judy, Brown’s show was cancelled after he insisted on continuing to receive his $20 million dollar annual salary after a dip in ratings at a time when CBS was looking to cut costs.

With a Net worth estimated at $65 Million dollars it appears that “Joe” doesn’t have a care in the world. He has let his hair down, or his beard grow to be more accurate.  All formalities are out the window as he is cursing like a drunken sailor.  When asked about his show, he replied,

“F**k that sh*t, I quit! I don’t do that bullsh*t anymore…I am about makin’ a lot of money behind entertainment.”

If you notice in the clip he somehow manages to remain respectful.  He even pulls out a picture of his wife on his cell phone to show off how good she looks at age 50.  He says,

“I don’t deal with ugly women!”

SIDE NOTE: He is married to Deborah Herron and for 50, she’s not bad at all. [more..]

9th Annual Power of a Dream Gala hosted by the U.S. Dream Academy

Although it’s not a good look for the judge, it’s not that bad either and it could have been much worse.  Everyone is entitled to a good time every now and then.  He’s not hurting anybody.  Who are we to judge, that’s his job, or at least it used to be.