
Katherine Heigl Is Hollywood’s Most Difficult Actress

We’ve all heard the reports about how difficult Katherine Heigl is on set. She’s made quite the name for herself in Hollywood, and she’s made a lot of enemies in the business.

An interesting article by Kim Masters of The Hollywood Reporter completely slams the 34-year-old actress. It features several quotes from “insiders” who claim Heigl is just impossible to work with.

You may remember that Heigl has bashed her own work on several different occasions. She once said that she would not seek an Emmy for ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ because she didn’t feel like the writing was on her level. She also famously bashed, ‘Knocked Up’ by saying it was sexist.

An insider who worked with the actress on the set of, ‘Life As We Know It’ claims that Heigl would complain about something every single day, “she can cost you time every single day of shooting, wardrobe issues, not getting out of the trailer, questioning the script every day.” the insider told Masters.

Apparently, it was not only Heigl causing the problems on set, but also her mother!

“I have never experienced anything like Nancy Heigl. It’s about the mouth. ‘F–k you. You are a f–king liar.’ Whatever you’d say, you were an idiot.”

Heigl’s bad behavior on set might just be ruining her career, as well. Producers are starting to avoid Heigl because she is so difficult to work with. One major producer told Masters that, “She’s not worth it.”

Well, she sounds just lovely. I think it has something to do with her name. I’ve never met a Katherine who wasn’t a complete jackass. I apologize if you are reading this and your name is Katherine, but it’s time to face the facts.

Don’t get mad at me, just move on and try to be a better person.
