Tila Tequila Believes Paul Walker Killed in “Ritual Sacrifice”

Tila Tequila

Drawing on her extensive forensic experience from once being on a bisexual dating show, Tila Tequila has made a startling discovery in Paul Walker’s death

“I just did not want to draw any attention to myself but I know exactly why they did it and yes it was indeed a ritualistic murder. Just like Paul Walker’s.

While it’s difficult to figure out her exact theory, due to extensive rambling, caps lock and disjointed sentences, she believes that Elisa Lam, a Canadian tourist killed in downtown LA, and Paul Walker, who recently died in a car accident, were killed by the same people in some kind of ritual.

Tequila was immediately hit with backlash, both on Twitter and Facebook. While the majority of the posts were too peppered with profanity to repost here, the general sentiment was that Tila Tequila should stick to what she is good at…i.e. doing nothing.

Tila responded by stating anyone who disagreed with her were “the ones heavily involved in occult ritual sacrifices here and they fear me telling the world about how they murder people ritualistically!”

So is she just crazy? Back on drugs? The answer might be a bit simpler. Tila Tequila suffered a brain aneurism in 2012 that was rumored to have caused brain damage.

Or, she might just be looking for attention. Tila is known for her off the wall Facebook posts, that are usually designed to create controversy. The most recent one that got her in trouble?

“trying to open your eyes to the truth that Hitler was NOT as bad as he was painted out to be”

Tila should probably consider outsourcing her Facebook page management in the future.