
Ireland Baldwin Making Daddy Proud, Posts “Topless” Photo On Instagram

Alec Baldwin might want to call up his daughter again and leave her another nasty voicemail, because she is about an inch away from showing off her nipples to the world.

The series of risky photos started the other night at the red carpet for the Sports Illustrated’s 50 Years of Beautiful party. The 18-year-old daughter of Alec Baldwin showed up wearing the revealing outfit you see down below.

After making every guy in attendance drool, she then decided to tease her followers on Instagram. Ireland posted the picture down below, and as you can see, it looks like she is topless!


Don’t worry, Alec! She claims that she was wearing a towel. We’re not sure where the towel was located, but you can’t see it in the picture. Maybe it’s one of those invisible towels that all the rich people are wearing these days.

But wait, there’s more! She’s already showed off her front side, so she decided to give everyone a view of her backside as well.

How old is she again? 18? Alec might want to sit her down and have a little talk with her. She might be 18 now, but that’s still his daughter! Sometimes it’s okay to leave a little to the imagination.