
Joan Rivers Makes Fun Of North West During Stand-Up Show

80-year-old Joan Rivers apparently had a stand-up show in Los Angeles last Friday night. And while watching an 80-year-old woman stand up on stage without falling is amazing enough, the “comedian” decided to delight the audience by throwing in some jokes.

During her show, Rivers attacked a number of celebrities. That’s her “thing” now. She’s too old to come up with original material, so she just goes off on incoherent rants against people.  It’s similar to what I do on here, except I can still move my face and drink out of a straw.

Anyway, during her latest show, Joan Rivers might have crossed the line when she attacked a little baby. The “comedian” told the audience that the Kardashian family visited the E! Network offices. She explained how Kim had her little baby with her and that’s when Joan went on attack,


“That baby is ugly … I’ve never seen a 6-month-old so desperately in need of a waxing.”

Really, Joan? I think we all know that baby is not ugly. I am not a fan of Kim Kardashian, but are you really trying to tell me this baby is ugly?

Come on now. If you’re going to talk sh-t, at least make sure that sh-t is accurate.