Flavor Flav Was Nearly Crushed And Killed By Boulder During California Rain Storm!

Yikes! Weather doesn’t happen often in Southern California, but when it does, it leaves a mark.
Flavor Flav was driving from Las Vegas back to Los Angeles on Tuesday during a pretty heavy rainstorm. He was driving by the La Tuna Canyon when a large boulder rolled down a hill and smashed right into his vehicle.

As you can see from the photo, the boulder did some major damage to his car. Thankfully, Mr. Flav’s personal driver was able to swerve off the road to safety without injury, but officials say if Flavor had been just a few feet over, the boulder could have killed him.
He told TMZ that “God is good,” and that he’s super grateful to be alive.
We’re told that Fav seems to be physically fine, though mentally he is shaken up… and he wasn’t the only one. A driver who saw the whole thing happen began to freak out just before stopping to make sure the rapper was okay.
Considering Flavor was sitting in the passenger seat, he truly did come just a couple feet away from being smashed by the boulder.
Poor Mr. Flav hasn’t had the best of luck when it comes to driving to and from Vegas. Around 10 years ago, he had a serious car accident in Vegas. A car crashed into his escalade, but thankfully he walked away without any serious injuries.
Crazy, crazy stuff. You always see those “falling rock” signs on the side of the road, but you never actually think a rock will fall on you.
We’re glad Flavor Flav is good though. It would be a shame for this energy to leave the world…