Bob Saget Seen Smiling And Looking Healthy In What Might Be Final Photo Before His Death

As you all know, ‘Full House‘ actor/comedian Bob Saget passed away unexpectedly back in January inside his hotel room at the Orlando Ritz-Carlton.
Several weeks after his death, it was revealed investigators believed he died from an accidental fall while inside his room. They believe he may have slipped in the bathroom, slammed his head against the hard floor, and then stumbled back to bed.
He fell asleep, and never woke up. There was speculation surrounding his death, due to the fact that his head injuries were so severe. He suffered injuries typically seen in a car accident or a beating. This had led to conspiracy theories being spread across the internet, which is why Saget’s family sought to have the autopsy sealed.
And on Monday, a judge in Florida agreed to an order that permanently blocks the release of photos, video and other records connected to the investigation. It’s a huge win for the family.
Meanwhile, perhaps the final photo of Saget before his death was shared this week, via hotel valet Orlando Nunez. He met Saget when he returned to the hotel following his final stand-up routine. And even though it was super late at night, Saget agreed to take a photo with Nunez.
After snapping the pic, the pair spoke for a few minutes before Saget made his way to his room and Nunez parked his car.
Nunez, 21, says that the stand-up comedian had no visible injuries during their meeting and that his car was in good shape, ruling out any possibilities of a car accident.
You can see Saget looks pretty healthy in the photo. There’s no bruising around his eye or anything like that, which seems to indicate that whatever caused his death, did indeed happen inside his hotel room.
You’ll remember, the initial report from authorities detailed a bruise around Saget’s eye. That can happen sometimes when a person has experienced severe head trauma.
Our thoughts and prayers continue to go out to the Saget family.