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Dennis Quaid Reveals He’s Voting For Donald Trump Because He’s An “A**hole”

70-year-old actor, Dennis Quaid, who is married to a 31-year-old woman, and is known in Hollywood for being an a**hole, was on “Piers Morgan Uncensored” this week and made some pretty interesting admissions.

He told Morgan that he’ll be voting for Donald Trump in the upcoming election. He claimed he wasn’t originally on the Trump train, but when he saw what he referred to as “the weaponization of our justice system” he had a change of heart.

Quaid admitted Trump is an a**hole, but that’s one of the things he likes most about him. He likes that he “stands up” to people. He also said he’s one of the most investigated people in the world.

Trump is the most investigated person probably in the history of the world. And they haven’t been able to really get him on anything. In fact, what is the crime? I still can’t figure it out.

Well, Quaid… the charge is that he used campaign donations to pay off a porn star who he had an affair with back in 2006. I’m not sure why Quaid can’t figure it out still. It’s fairly simple.

The ‘Day After Tomorrow‘ actor says he loves the way Trump handled China…

How he stood up for us overseas … and the way he responded to China. He stands up to people, and that’s what makes him a leader.

Quaid says Biden is too nice and wants to be everyone’s friend, but not everyone deserves friendship. “There’s some bad actors” in the world he says, and it looks like he’s going to be voting for one of them.