
Daniel Radcliffe Nude Video Leaked of him Performing EQUUS on Broadway

This is definitely old news, but someone sent me the link as if it was new news.  Daniel Radcliffe is fully nude in his Broadway rendition of EQUUS.  The video looks to be taking by camera phone but it does show a naked Harry Potter performing on stage with another nude actress.  I had no idea that EQUUS was so…so…naked.

So upon a little research on this, it’s about a psychiatrist treating a boy who has a religious fascination with horses.  The character and script originally called for the nude scenes.  Radcliffe at the time was only 17 and it became controversial.  Radcliffe insisted upon doing the scene as originally written and thus he was nude.  Somehow video of the performance leaked and somehow it managed to stay live on the internet.

I just thought it was interesting.  Here is the link.  Obviously don’t watch it at work…or if your wife is around because she will think you are on the down low….I’m just sayin.