
Sexual Assault Allegations Don’t Bother R. Kelly, Tells “Haters” to Shut Up

The incredibly creepy singer known as R. Kelly is trying to put the sexual assault allegations behind him. He’s teaming up with Lady Gaga and he just released his 12th album last week. Things are starting to go in the right direction for Mr. Kelly.

However, it’s hard to forget about his past, especially after reading the piece The Village Voice did on him just a few days ago. The lights were turned on his dark past, and what they revealed was not pretty.

You really should read the entire article, but let’s look at this excerpt from it,

“The one young woman, who had been 14 or 15 when R. Kelly began a relationship with her, detailed in great length, in her affidavits, a sexual relationship that began at Kenwood Academy: He would go back in the early years of his success and go to Lina McLin’s gospel choir class. She’s a legend in Chicago, gospel royalty. He would go to her sophomore class and hook up with girls afterward and have sex with them. Sometimes buy them a pair of sneakers.

Sometimes just letting them hang out in his presence in the recording studio. She detailed the sexual relationship that she was scarred by. It lasted about one and a half to two years, and then he dumped her and she slit her wrists, tried to kill herself. Other girls were involved. She recruited other girls. He picked up other girls and made them all have sex together. A level of specificity that was pretty disgusting.”


It’s pretty shocking and disgusting stuff. But, R. Kelly doesn’t seem to care about people bringing up his past. During a recent radio interview with Big Tigger, the singer had this to say about his critics…

“Well I feel like I got the football, man. I’m running towards the touchdown and stopping and looking back, mess around, I’ll get tackled. And I also want my fans and everybody out there to know that I really appreciate everybody’s support from the very beginning of my career.”

And then he added,

“As long as I got fans screaming my name, buying my records and supporting R. Kelly, everybody who doesn’t agree should listen to the last song on Black Panties.”

To save you all the trouble, the last song on his album ‘Black Panties’ is called “Shut up.” So, yeah, you heard the man! All you weirdos out there that have a problem with him sleeping with underage girls should just shut up.

We just need to let the man have his cake and pee on it too!