Vin Diesel Sucks on the Media Circuit…but I’m still a fan.

I’m a huge Vin Diesel fan, because I love action, hot chicks and Big dudes throwing people around.

What I hate is how he takes a 3 second pause between sentence when answering questions on all of these talk shows.  The timing and conversation is just dreadfully painful.  While you hear him talking all you can think is “MEAT HEAD”.  Every time he’s asked a question, he gives this dumb ass smile, and I can hear the clanking of cheap posts and wooden spoons get banged together as his brain searches for an answer that is not going to haunt him later.

On Jimmy Kimmel he sat there and talked about how he printed out his facebook comments!  He actually had a great background story regarding this.  As the story goes: A random Facebook user, made a comment about wanting to see him and “The Rock” in a film together and that’s how they ditched a role written for Tommy Lee Jones, and cast “The Rock” instead.

Getting that story out, was like trying to get a straight answer out of Donald Trump….but with the voice of a pubescent James Earl Jones.

What I didn’t know was that there is a Twin Diesel!  Vin Diesel has a twin brother.  One got the looks and muscles, the other the brains and the hair.

I’m still a Fan, and can’t wait to see the 5th Chapter in the Fast and Furious series.  Thank God no Bow-wow!
