Amy Winehouse was in the Process of Adopting a 10 Year Old?

It appears that Amy Winehouse was on her way to motherhood.  No she wasn’t pregnant, she was going Angelina Jolie style; she was preparing to adopt a 10 year old black girl from St. Lucia!

The girls name is Dannika Augustine.   Her grandmother told British papers of Winehouse’s plan to adopt the peverty striken gilr.  The 10 year old girl herself was also interviewed by “The Sunday Mirror”.

 “Amy was already my mother. I would call her mum and she would call me her ­daughter. She took care of me and we had fun together. I loved her and she loved me.”

“She was the most amazing person and I was looking forward to living with her here or in London. I cannot believe she is gone. This is the worst thing that ever happened to me.”

The girl’s mom who is a single parent, was willing to give her daughter up for a better life.

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As would be for any mom, the decision was difficult but her mom was willing to do it at the chance her daughter would have more opportuniites.  With the mom convinced, Amy also had to clear the adoption with young Dannika’s Pops; Vic Augustine. Amy reached out to Vic via phone.

Vic recalls the events,

 “Amy called me from my mother’s mobile phone. She said: ‘Hello, Marjorie’s lovely son. I wanted to talk to you because I feel like you are my brother. Marjorie has become like a mother to me.’ Then she said: ‘I love Dannika so much. She is the most amazing girl.’

“I thanked Amy for taking care of my daughter, and she said: ‘Dannika is taking care of me. I couldn’t live ­without her.’ Then she said: ‘I would like your permission to adopt ­Dannika.’

“Obviously it was difficult for me, because living in Germany, I miss ­Dannika very much. But my mother had told me about Amy and I knew she could give my daughter a wonderful life. I said if my mum thought it was a good idea, then it was OK with me. I also spoke to Dannika’s mother and she said she would agree to it.

“Amy phoned me two more times over the next month. She was serious about it.

“When we heard she died we were so shocked, and poor Dannika is so upset. This is very difficult for her.”

With both of Dannika’s parents on board, and the blessing form her grandma things were in motion for the adoption.

Now I really can’t wait to see the toxicology report.  With a child waiting to be adopted, did she really commit suicide?  Only time will tell and you know we’ll have the latest. 

