Arsenio Hall Calls Aubrey O’Day a C**t and a Whore – Celebrity Apprentice Gets Gully!
If you aren’t watching Celebrity Apprentice then you need to set you DVR because it’s good. It’s really good. Last week, Arsenio Hall and Aubrey O’Day got into in the boardroom. Arsenio is not only a lot more intelligent than he is given credit for, but he is also strategic, a great debater and a very effective leader. These are all attributes that emerged during his victory last week in the “Walk With Walgreens” challenge.
According to Lisa Lampanelli what we saw on TV was edited. She did an interview on XM Sirius explaining that what Arseno said to Aubrey was so violent that she had to get the producers on notice. Lisa Lampanelli said that Arsenio called Abrey a “C**t” when they were back in the war room. He also said that he would do “something something all over her face”.
One part that they did leave in is when Arsenio said,
“I Googled [Aubrey] and a naked picture with a gut popped up … f**k her!”
For the record
Apparently what we saw last week was only a warm up. Arsenio and Aubrey go at it again this week, and Aubrey tells US Weekly that she is flattered at all the attention. It’s rumored that Arsenio calls the reality star/ singer a whore.
Arsenio’s frustration is that Aubrey is a narcissistic egotistical beyatch. He was upset last week that she took credit for just about everything that the team did, and he was right. It starts when Aubrey tells Lisa Lampanelli that she was the one who came up with the quotes on the square they were to use for promoting Walmart. She didn’t come up with Arsenio’s quote and he made it known.
He continued to rip into her and with every response was another “me, me, me” comment and Arsenio jumped on each and every one of them bringing her to tears.
Aubrey says she knows the problem with Arsenio,
“He doesn’t want strong women to have too much of a voice,”
To me, Aubrey was just getting what she and Lisa were giving to Dyana Miss Universe when they were teamed up and unike Dyana, Aubrey was reduced to tears.
Are you team Aubrey or Team Arsenio?