American Horror Story Creator, Ryan Murphy, Reveals Details from Season 2, Including Info on Adam Levine’s Role.
The details are still pouring in regarding last years’ surprise hit, American Horror Story!
We learned shortly after it was revealed during a special AHS panel session, that the setting for Season 2 will be on the East Coast at an insane asylum. Now that’s down right creepy!
The creator of the show Ryan Murphy, had this planned from the start. Back in December he gave a hint to where the show would be filmed. He said the clue was revealed in the episode called “birth”. Murphy stated,
“[When] Sarah Paulson’s character, Billie Dean, says to Jessica and Taisa [Farmiga] as she’s sage-ing the house and talking about places where evil collects: We talk about institutions and prisons and things like that. That was the clue.”
However, there is another twist. We might know where Season 2 is going to take place but we don’t know when. Murphy continues to taunt us and the rest of his fans,
“The second season is set in a completely different time period.”
- The SuperSexy Adam Levine
Levine will be joining Season 2 as a co-star. Murphy said he proposed the role to Levine and Adam was sold,
“He’s a sexy guy so he needs to play a sexy guy, but the guy that is different than who you think he would play. I pitched him the part and he listened, slack jawed, and simply said, ‘I’m in.’ The second season is fun, sexy and baroque. It has a lot of meat to it; it’s a really gritty part. He’s with a girl and they play characters called The Lovers.”
There are also hints that Zachary Quinto will be a patient in the insane institution. The institution itself will be run by Jessica Lange. Quinto and Lange will be battling it out as Quinto has been referred to as Lange’s nemesis.
If you didn’t watch the first season, it’s still ok to get in on the second. Season 2 will be “self-contained” as there will be no references to the first season so you won’t be “Lost”. (Pun intended).
The questions have been pouring in regarding Adam Levine. Will he be naked? Or at least shirtless? Murphy give you just enough to get the ladies to tune in,
[sam id=”11″ codes=”true”] [sam id=”12″ codes=”true”]“Fans who want to see Adam Levine supersexy and scantily clad will “be satisfied,”