
Charlie Sheen Was Hospitalized for an Ear Infection – Nothing Drug Related!

The air is being cleared over Charlie Sheen’s most recent trip to the hospital.  When Sheen was not present for work on the set of his new show Anger Management on Tuesday and Wednesday the blogosphere began to get wild with rumors.

Despite stories being released that he was perhaps on the brink of self-destruction again, he was actually being hospitalized for a severe ear infection.

Sources say that after taking a trip to NYC for the weekend, when Sheen returned to LA he suffered an ear infection which kept him out of work.  The actor was present and in his right mind yesterday in time for a table read with the rest of the Anger Management cast.

It seems that Sheen is prone to air infections, as a similar incident occurred in 2011 when a flight during a trip to Vegas excited an ear infection forcing the star to miss work on “Two and a Half Men”.

Sheen has been busy WINNING on his comeback.  The actor will be in Scary Movie 5 as well as in the movie Machete Kills alongside Mel Gibson, Sofia Vergara and Jessica Alba.

We are glad to hear that it was something in Charlie’s ear instead of his nose this time. Right Charlie?


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