
Justin Bieber Gets Support From Toronto Mayor Rob Ford

You want to know just how bad things are for Justin Bieber right now? The crack-smoking Mayor of Toronto, Rob Ford, is defending the 19-year-old pop star.

That’s right, good ol’ Rob was on a radio show the other day called “The Sports Junkies” and the hosts of the show started to talk bad about Justin Bieber. At one point, one of the hosts called Bieber “Canada’s worst export.”

That’s when Mr. Ford stepped in and defended Justin Bieber,

“He’s a young guy, 19 years old. I wish I was as successful as he was. He’s 19 years old, guys. Think back to when you were 19.”


And that would actually be good advice if it wasn’t coming from Rob Ford. He doesn’t have to think back to when he was 19, because he’s still doing stupid sh-t! Just yesterday, Ford was accused of having his sister’s ex-boyfriend beaten in jail to keep him quiet about his past drug use.

That doesn’t sound like the type of guy you would want defending your honor, right? Anyway, what about Justin Bieber’s music? Does Rob Ford listen to that?

“I don’t really follow his music. I’m 45 years old. I like Led Zeppelin, the Stones, the Eagles.”

Oh, okay. Thanks for clearing that up. I guess it might be a little strange for a 45-year-old man to get high while listening to Justin Bieber talk about how he wants to be your boyfriend.