
5 Times ‘Family Guy’ Shocked The World By Predicting The Future


No. 2 – Bruce Jenner’s Transition

Even though it’s still a stretch to call this a “prediction,” at least this incident actually happened. In an episode that originally aired in 2009, Brian and Stewie had this delightful conversation after seeing Brody Jenner.

Stewie: There’s Brody Jenner. God, what a douchebag. I can’t believe that came out of Bruce Jenner’s vagina.

Brian: Bruce Jenner is a man.

Stewie: No, Brian. That’s what the press would have you believe, but he’s not. Bruce Jenner is a woman. An elegant, beautiful Dutch woman.

You can watch the clip by clicking this link. But just so you know, Family Guy wasn’t the only show to joke about Bruce being a woman. Married With Children joked about it way back in 1996 when Marcy was mistaken for Bruce. You can watch the clip by clicking here.

It seems like people just always knew Bruce would make a beautiful woman.



No. 1 – Gary Busey The Alien

Gary Busey actually made a special appearance in an episode of Family Guy back in 2010. In the episode, Busey can be seen staring at himself in the mirror. He’s also talking to himself, “How am I doing, Gary Busey?” He asks. And that’s when we see this frightening reflection in the mirror…

Watch the clip here

Okay, so what does this mean? I’m not sure. Gary Busey refuses to officially come out as an alien, but I think we all know the truth by now. He’s an alien. His behavior that we find so insane here on Earth is actually perfectly acceptable on his home planet. He just can’t go home because he got in a fight with his father, Neroni Busey. And that’s a huge problem because Neroni is the leader of the Busey planet.