Jimmie Allen Calls Out “Lazy Doctors” After Newborn Stops Breathing

36-year-old country singer Jimmie Allen and his wife Alexis Allen are not happy with a team of doctors in Tennessee.
The drama started earlier this week when Alexis went on social media to claim she was turned away by a local hospital when she noticed her newborn was struggling to breath due to an undisclosed illness.
Turned away by hospital yesterday AM Ambulance at 2AM. Basically, if your child isn’t blue at the lips, they will not have answers for you. That’s been my last 24 hours.
Last night, Jimmie backed his wife up on his Twitter account. In his post, he called out “lazy doctors” at a hospital in Tennessee for sending his little girl home while she fought for oxygen.
According to Jimmie, their daughter lost color and stopped breathing while being rushed to another hospital. The EMT team managed to bring the color back to her, but Jimmie noted it was going to be a “rough night.”
He also sent out the tweet you see below:
Attention Doctors , if the parent of your one month old patient tells you the child having a hard time breathing and the only thing your lazy self wants to do is check heart heart and temperature find another career. Your job is to save lives so do it.
— Jimmie Allen (@JimmieAllen) November 24, 2021
I get where he’s coming from. As a father, it’s his job to protect his little girl, so if he feels she’s not getting the right care, he should absolutely voice it.
But at the same time… might want to ease up on the trash talk. They are the ones in charge of saving your life. JUST SAYING! It’s like people being mean to their waiter… you don’t know what they’re doing with your food!
Here’s to hoping Jimmie’s daughter makes a full recovery!