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Find Out How Much Al Pacino’s 29-Year-Old Girlfriend Will Get In Child Support Every Month

The strangest parenting duo in the world has reached a child support deal. According to a new report from Page Six, 83-year-old actor Al Pacino will have to pay his 29-year-old girlfriend, Noor Alfallah, just over $30,000 in monthly child support payments.

He was also ordered to pay her $110,000 upfront, $13,000 for a night nurse and put a yearly $15,000 deposit into an education fund for their 5-month-old son.

Additionally, the judge ruled that Pacino and Alfallah will have joint legal custody, but Alfallah will have primary physical custody. What makes this whole thing even more bizarre is that sources say Pacino and Alfallah are still dating, so it’s not exactly clear why she filed for child support.

Perhaps as a layer of protection?

For those who don’t know, the couple have been dating since late 2020, but they weren’t spotted out in public together until 2022.

She has been with Al for some time and they get on very well. The age gap doesn’t seem to be a problem, even though he is older than her father. She moves with the wealthy jet-set crowd, and she comes from a family with money.

Dating rich older dudes seems to be her thing. She was previously linked to Rolling Stones frontman, Mick Jagger. He’s around the same age as Pacino.

Sources say Pacino and Alfallah were definitely not trying to get pregnant… it just sorta happened.