Nick Cannon Claims Mariah Carey Doesn’t Know Who Kim Kardashian Is
You all know Kim Kardashian, right? Of course you do. Your 90-year-old Grandmother, who forgets to wipe her a** after she poops, probably knows who Kim Kardashian is.
That dude has probably masturbated to Kim Kardashian’s sex tape before. The point I am trying to make here is that everyone in the world knows who Kim Kardashian is.
Is that a good thing? Is that something to be proud of? F–k no. I am just telling you the truth. Something Nick Cannon and Mariah Carey are apparently too afraid to do. Nick Cannon talked with Howard Stern earlier this week, and of course, they just had to talk about his sex list again.
[more…]“The one that [must have gotten] Mariah the most pissed was [when] you talked about Kim Kardashian, that you f–ked her, and that really got Mariah’s goat.” Stern told Cannon.
And that’s when Mr. Carey replied with…
“You know? I don’t think … no, ’cause, honestly … my wife, she [doesn’t] even know who Kim Kardashian is.”
Mariah Carey needs to drop the act. She’s not above knowing who Kim Kardashian is. In fact, I am willing to bet they have even met each other before. I know Mariah Carey wants to believe she’s the queen of, “Idontfartville,” but she’s just not that important.
There are millions of singers out there, Mariah. What makes you so special?