
10 Signs You’re Actually Michael Scott And Don’t Even Know It


No. 5 – You Deal With Stress By Pretending It’s Not There

Problems at work? Girlfriend/Boyfriend nagging you to clean the dirty dishes in the sink? Is your landlord demanding you pay the rent right this minute? Forget about it! Just call up a few of your friends and schedule an epic finger gun fight.

Stress is for adults. We will never be an adult.


No. 4 – You Refuse To Let “TWSS” Die

Your friends probably think yelling out, “THAT’S WHAT SHE SAID!” is lame now. In fact, they might even refuse to hang out with you because you scream it during the most inappropriate times.

For example, let’s say your friend’s Grandmother just passed away and they are really sad, right? And you’re talking to your friend and his family when this golden opportunity smacks you in the face…

Friend: I didn’t get any sleep. I was praying all night.

Friend’s Mother: Oh, dear. You must be tired.

Friend: Yeah, and my knees are killing me.




No. 3 – You Always Laugh At Your Own Jokes

Duh. I feel sorry for the people who don’t laugh at their own jokes. If you don’t find your joke funny, then what the hell makes you think someone else will? Plus, laughter is contagious just like yawning. You might as well get the carrot rolling.